
Word of the Day Typography Define

Last week I deiced to try my hand at another week long design project using words from the word of the day from to create a simple type design. This is similar to my design define series I did a while ago on my 365 project.

I used fonts that I either had on my computer or browsed the internet quickly to find that went with the definition. I used adobe Illustrator to setup the type and create any additional elements I might need. My favorites are Exocentric and Vilipend which are also the ones I had the most time to work with. Mammonism I found quite hard to work with and with Tramontane I had a few good sketched designs put didn’t quite have enough time to make them look good enough to show.


I think I’m going to use one of my designs for exocentric and do a full design with it in either 2D or 3D.


  1. exoteric: suitable for or communicated to the general public.
  2. cordate: heart-shaped.
  3. vilipend: to regard or treat as of little value or account.
  4. mammonism: the greedy pursuit of riches.
  5. tramontane: being or situated beyond the mountains.

Daily 365

G2B Logo/Title Idea

Something that has been long over do is having some sort of logo to title that I can identify with for my work. Above are few ideas of about 60 or so variation I worked with. In developing it I wasn’t sure what sort of image I would use for representation so I decided to go the type route.

The type is based on the killogram font that I modified. The 1st and 2nd row are essentially the same except the G is pulled in at angle slightly. The second column I adjusted the how the G and 2 come together.I think I’m leaning towards the ones on the left.

The two at the bottom are the long form version. The second one is the standard text minus the adjusted G. The third row I took out part of the edges for each letter to make it look like it’s cutting into it. I working on trying to make it look more as a whole piece. I thinking of having one version for the short and an 2nd for the long version.