Daily 365 Daily Bests

Starwars Iconoscope Animation Part 3 Final

The final version of the Starwars Iconoscope Animation. Technically I’m late with this post…I feel asleep while waiting to render…but this will count for yesterday’s post. The animation part didn’t take that long but doing the sound took a little bit to do, but too much after I got the flow of using sound booth.

It worked fairly well and it definitely was a lot easier than doing audio in after effects, it does have some odd quirks though which I’m sure you could tweak in the settings. One that was annoying that I didn’t figure out yet is this green line one the side of the video. I’m guessing it’s for audio levels, but I didn’t see an quick obvious way to take it off. I wound up just cropping it out of the frame, which apparently didn’t work on youtube…

My goal with the sound was to have an effect for every “real” motion item that wasn’t associated with a human. So the targets, ships, X’s (on non-humans), and maybe some other items have sounds.

The Background audio transitions from different track that some what go with the movie. I suppose if you’re a true fan you may recognize the songs, although I can say that I would but the listing is below.

2. Main Title/Rebel Blockade Runner
7. The Trash Compactor
9. Ben Kenobi’s Death/Tie Fighter Attack
3. Imperial Attack
11. The Throne Room/End Title
I’m not 100% sure if 03 goes where I put it but it sounded ok.
I can tell some parts need to be worked on a bit more but I have to out put this. I may go back and tweak some audio since I wish I had some better sounds. Well see.

Daily 365

Starwars Iconoscope Animation Part 2

This is part 2 of the Starwars Iconoscope animation. It’s getting long, 3:11 right now and I’m on scene 23. However the animation went a lot quicker then the previous part, probably because I knew more of what I was doing. I think the timing on some parts still need to be improved though.

The hardest part of this one was first scene for this part, 11. The rope swing was hard to get it to look right and I still think it is off a bit. I looked at the movie for reference, but of course Luke legs are bent up and Leia is horizontal holding on to him. Just a little bit hard to duplicate in Icon format.

I think I’m going to do the sound in sound both so I have some more control. This should allow me to add more little sfx without having a bunch of layers in AE. I’ve only used it once before since it use to freeze up for some reason, so it should be good to learn it again.

Daily 365

Starwars Iconoscope Animation Part 1

This is the official part one of the Iconosope animation. I did 10 scenes so pretty much 1/3.  I fix some timing in the first two I had done and notice some other areas I need to improve. Although there not to much “actual” animation there is a lot of timing that is involved in it.

I’m trying to have the icons come up in the same patter as a normal speech. So some parts I sped up and other are slow. I also added some cheesy light saber effect for the transitions to the next set of scenes.

I’m thinking for the music I should either mix the whole sound track into one big mix. Maybe 15 or 30 seconds a song or just pick my fav and mix those few. I need to add some more sfx as well.

Daily 365

Starwars Iconoscope Animation Wip

This is a work in progrss animation for my new weekend/early next week project. Its an animated version of Star Wars IV via Iconoscope. The original design that every linked to is down. Apparently Wayne Dorrington got the lifehacker effect or digg effect or name a big social link site+effect after it when viral and his site went down. But he has a new site, where you can find it. He has a bunch of other cool graphics as well.

I found out about it after the Kickawesomeshow (fun nonsense web, design, music, tech show) talk about it on there show. I thought it would be cool to animate.

I only have the first 10 lines extracted since I wanted to work on this one in parts, unlike the woot animation where I had every thing setup at one. My goal with this animation is basically to tell the story sequentially with some added movement, maybe one or two full animation movements per line.

This whole animation will be about pacing an timing so that it can be read or understood while not being to stale, which I think was an issue in my woot animation. I need to fix some things in this version already.