Daily 365

Dreary Walk

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This is an match-moving animation I worked on for the PFhoe AE-Tuts Contest. My original idea was to do a family circus path line after a few lines of text. You can see a test of this on my 365 page. I was going to do this in Cinema 4D but the path looked like it was sliding awkwardly. I tried it in after effects and it looked off as well.  So I scraped that idea and went with an all text approach.

I found a good quote that went from negative to positive and animated the last word in each part. This allowed me to keep my overall idea  of going from dark and dreary to positive and happiness.  I used some color correction techniques from the Color Correction Handbook I won from AENY to try to simulate going from a dark grey scale dreary world to a lit up bright happy world. I think I should have pushed the end color more but it didn’t quite feel right the way I was going. I also added a moon in, which is hidden/blurred most of the time, some depth of field and a glow sun at the end.

I’m not sure if this will get in or not since I did submit after the deadline of midnight. For some reason I though it would be tomorrow’s midnight, which of course would be 7th not 6th. So shame on me for not understanding the due date.

Lastly for the list of all the thing I need to fix. I won’t be submitting these but it will be good just to make it more final.

  • overall text feels…odd…not sure what it is though
  • Some of the text’s fade out seem a little quick I need to adjust for that
  • I seem to have lost the depth on the Annoy letters, need to fix and re-render
  • When the JOY text comes in there a blur on the whole thing, not just the joy
  • The Joy doesn’t seem real joyous, need to add some more pop to it
  • The Joy floats back and thought I knew how I did it but apparently not and I feel like it is out place even though I liked it at first
  • end was click in the audio
  • shadows… there are none in the scene but putting stuff in the scene need shadows to make it feel there. Not sure what to do about that.


Audio from





3D Animation Motion Graphics

Nickelodeon Hand Clapper Animation

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Lower Third Project

This past week or so I have worked on a project file that I plan to put up on videohive to sell. It’s garbage truck lower third to be used in any video. You can see a early work in progress I did on my 365. I also made a standalone render of just the truck.

I have most of the functionality of the third setup and ready to got.  I have about 16 total that allow you to control everything without needing to go look for each item in the comps. You can even change the color of the rear compactor.  Now I just need to render the final truck and put all together and make the files so that I can submit it.




New Blog + AE Flame

As you might have noticed I have changed the theme for this blog and my portfolio website.  Both of them have the same theme  SimpleFolio by SmashingMagazine and Slimmity.

As you can probably tell from the screen shot I did quite a bit of modifications of the overall theme. I designed the base of the layout in Photoshop then re-did the design to my liking. I think my favorite part is the texture for the background. I really liked the one in my old theme so I found one and added it to the background for this one.  I’m sure it slows down my site a bit since it’s a somewhat big image but my site is a bunch of images and videos any way.

I also did some modification of the actual html pages of the site as well. The original theme displays the long image on the home page and in the portfolio items as well. Since my portfolio items already have a big image to display the video or design I thought this was redundant. I did some other minor ones while figuring out the theme but I wound up not need to use most of them.

As for the future I’m not sure I like the home image slider. I may change it up with another slider where I have more control. I have looked at slide deck since I like how it works and the ability to play video with in it although I’ll have to see how it looks in my actual layout. The only other thing that bugs me is using this layout on this site for my blog. Originally I wasn’t going to use it here but it made sense to have both of them connected i thought I should have them look similar.  I may change this layout up a bit so it’s not exactly the same.

In other news I made a quick little animation using AE Flame an old plugin recently made for cs4/5 of after effects. It is a beta so it is a bit buggy but after a bit of playing around I figured out what not to hit for it to crash. You can check out what I made below. You could make some really cool fractals with this.  There also is tut for this which I completely missed in the ae script page. Now the question is how to use this in a project? Backgrounds, lowerthirds,  title sequences, hmm.


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Wells Fargo + Wachovia

For this post I wanted to talk a bit about something that has been in my head for a while. When two companies merge or one takes over the other what happens to their brand? I would think this would be a big issue, as to whose brand do you stick with if it is a true equal merger. Now I suspect that it might never be truly equal and the bigger company brand stays intact while the little one withers away but how do you make that transition over.

What sparked this idea is this image where the Wells Fargo, in my town, sign just replaces the Wachovia one with all the blue window panes around it. This just stood out to me at how much the colors seemed to clash with each other and not in a good way. This being said I know that it is very expensive to replace glass, especially coloured ones but shouldn’t there be a way to make a transition with out something like this happening.

Wells Fargo in South Orange

I think there should be a way although I admit I’m not 100% sure what that would be. I like how on the Wells Fargo – Wachovia  FAQ site they use a lighter blue that works well with the red and yellow. I wonder if it would be practical to do something on real signs to tone the colors down a bit so they don’t fight each other as much. I’m sure there are set rules for the branding practices but it could be something that is changed out. The also might try something in black and white and see how that might work out for a bit.

I have no idea about the real practical applications of this or if you might have company representatives saying it’s bad for their company brand. It’s just a thought I had for a while that I thought I would share.


Daily 365

G2B Logo/Title Idea

Something that has been long over do is having some sort of logo to title that I can identify with for my work. Above are few ideas of about 60 or so variation I worked with. In developing it I wasn’t sure what sort of image I would use for representation so I decided to go the type route.

The type is based on the killogram font that I modified. The 1st and 2nd row are essentially the same except the G is pulled in at angle slightly. The second column I adjusted the how the G and 2 come together.I think I’m leaning towards the ones on the left.

The two at the bottom are the long form version. The second one is the standard text minus the adjusted G. The third row I took out part of the edges for each letter to make it look like it’s cutting into it. I working on trying to make it look more as a whole piece. I thinking of having one version for the short and an 2nd for the long version.