Daily 365 Daily Bests Series

Final Become a Minion Short and Extended

I’m finally bringing this project to a close. I took the chance and Rendered out both the long (2:37) & short (1:03) version. No comp crashing from over heating and BG Render let me know while I was out that it finished.

The short is hosted on my Vimeo while the long is on my Youtube.

I think the short version is better, even though you can’t read it I think it flows better.

Daily 365 Series

Woot Minions Extended

So today I decided to work on the woot minions again to try to re-time it for readability. This brought some what straight forward although I did have to go into some precomps a couple levels deep to move key frames. This brought the overall time to about 2 min. and 30 seconds or so.

I did a simple image transition using a gradient to animate the text in since it wasn’t editable text. This force me to set key frames for each line. I though about making an expression but there didn’t seem to be a consistent height to use for some reason. So I wound up just setting it for each set of text.

I think it’s kind of boring having to wait for the text to appear. I tried to time it out to what it should take to read leaving some room at the end. If I had the original files I think I would animate more to make it more interesting. Also a voice over might help too. The music helps some what, but I couldn’t find any as good as the short version. The song I choose from is cool for a while but gets repetitive after a while. I tried to loop the other song I used but it didn’t sound right.

This is the small version for now since the larger one will take a while to render. I will update it when it finishes…

Edit: apparently I forgot audio… so the next one will have the sound too…and better quality

Daily 365 Series

QR Code Dunny, They are Among Us

This is my final version for the QR Code Dunny that I was working on. I render this one out with a linear profile from cinema 4D which initially was very dark but I remembered reading a blog post about linear work flow from (Which has a load of stuff for learning Cinema 4D. ) So I was able to switch over the project profile and everything look alright, some what.

I did some color correction and tried to make have some color so it wasn’t so plain with just black and white. In addition I added some sound and time remap effects that work together. I think it make it seem kind of cool and ominous.

The music I found just Googleing monolithic , which brough me to Dr. Mabuse – Monolithic. It a pretty cool experimental video by Angelique van Grootel. Not sure why I originally thought monolithic since I forgot the definition but after look it up it makes sense. Music by Dr Mabuse.

I used the spy photo preset from all bets are off production for the time remapping. originally I was doing by hand(mouse using time remapping but them I remembered this preset).

The dunny model is from

Daily 365 Series

QR Code Dunny(Preview)

So this is the animation I’m making for the QR Code Dunny I worked on a while ago. The render will take to long so it’s just a preview for now. My original design had them bunch together and at diffrent angles, but that looked odd to me with every thing floating, moving and intersecting so I went with the floating ring look.  Pretty standard I suppose but it’s ok.

I was able to achieve the spring effect using the spring connector in cinema 4D v12. It took me a bit to figure it out simply because I was trying to create the effect using one spring which would tip the box over with anything added on top. I tried aiming multiplier springs at the corners which helped but not much them. Then I realized I could just use invisible walls on all four side, higher in the back to keep the dunny from falling back sometimes. After that is was just tweaking every thing. Might do some more before the final render.

Daily 365 Downloadable Series

Xpresso Task 5

This is my result for the expresso task 5 from I was able to have all of the required functionality plus I added a spline warp that gives it path follow capabilities.  I have also included the file below if anyone want to check it out and use it. I made a screen cast of it in action which is taking a while to upload so when it’s done I will add it to this post.

G2BProductions Xpresso task 5 Final

Daily 365 Series

Become a Minion Day 3(Finalish)

Day 3 of weekend animation for Woot Minion. The tweaking adjusting of the animation went pretty smoothly. I fixed a bunch of little things that I think bring the animation together well. I didn’t run into any major hiccups like the other day with expressions.  I made all the arrows animated with the tip leading it on the path.  I noticed on some part it creeps ahead of the tip but I adjusted it for most and hopefully the speed makes it unnoticeable to most.

This is the final day of my weekend animation. I plan to work on it some more but not as a daily project. I will post it when it’s official finished. My goal is to time it out so it is almost completely readable. “Almost” because I timed it out to be about 3 1/2 min but my track will only goes to abut 2:25. I though of looping parts but it just sounds odd and monotonous.

I also plan to share it with the people at woot when it’s officially finished to see what they think. Hopefully they don’t try to sue more anything for copyright something since I did do this without permission…

Edit: Damn I notice some things wrong with the ligntning and the light bulb. I will have to remember that for the true final version.

Client Work Daily 365 Series

UHouse Tribute Opening Final

This my final version for the Unity House Tribute Opening 2011. Overall I like the whole animation. Some parts could use some more tweaking but I think it works well. I added some color with some curves to the whole scene since straight back and white looked odd to me.

The hardest part of this was trying to get the wall texture to look right. The real Keith haring room/museum/store, that he painted was seamless with everything connecting to each other.  I tried different projections but none really worked. Some would just work for one cornet and not the other. And moving the texture just seemed off. I thought of making a repeating textures but it didn’t quite work with the different characters. I opted to just go with flat and adjusted it a bit.

I think solution would be to make a separate texture for each side of the room and have it aligned up photoshop. That would be a bit more time consuming, which I didn’t have time for. I also noticed once it was full rendered that the texture look pixelated up close which sucks since I did vectorize it. I guess I just didn’t output a large enough copy for the texture.

I’m not sure if I mentioned it before but the song is the begining of Pon De Floor by Major Lazer

Daily 365 Series

Become a Minion WIP Day 2

Day 2 weekend animation for Woot Minion. I was able to put just about all of the main animations I wanted to in the in it today.  A lot of it still needs tweaking and some fine tunning but the base is there for most.  Some things I might change that are not just unfinished is the last path arrow. I think I should set it up so that the arrow tip is on the top all ways instead of just masking it up. I also think I need to work on some of my hierarchy of whats important in terms of animation.

The animation as it stands now is way to quick to actually be read. Not sure how I want to deal with that. I could time it out longer, but I doubt anyone would really read. Voice over is another option but I haven’t looked to much into it.  Also it times up perfectly with this track I got from

I’m not sure why but for some reason all of the expression in the project just broke which I thought was just sure target at first but all of my loops stop to as well. This really sucked having to go into each and flip them back on. Even Sure Targets built in switch to fix it didn’t work. I wish I had the script from that lets you batch edit. I will make sure to have that next time.

Daily 365 Series

Woot Minions Wip

This is the beginning of my animation for the somewhat recent woot minions design. I saw this design when the sent out there newsletter about there become an minion(affiliate). I thought immediately, as I do with most designs that it could be animate nicely. The minion character is a nice vector design and the designs themselves make the character look pretty animated already so it looked like a good idea.

I took me about and hour or so to break the image apart into pieces that I though would be easy to extract and cool to animate. There is a lot of possibilities but I limited my self to what was easy to break up and could be done quickly. After that I brought it int to After Effects and adjust each main part in 3d space on various angles so when the camera move there would be some apparent depth and camera rotation.

I used sure target two for the camera movement. That made the camera animation very easy, so easy then it use to be . I was planning on rigging a null to a camera and some other stuff till I remember sure target.  Despite having all of VC’s plugins and presets I tend not to use them a lot or forget about until I need them for some reason…

I’m not exactly sure how long the whole animation will be. I would be nice to have a voice over, which would definitely push it towards a longer animation. Maybe I’ll check out DA for anyone who will do one for me, hopefully for free. Or if any one what to give it a try please do.

Obviously this needs more work, this will be my weekend project so it will have to be done this weekend(minus voice over possibly). Also this is done without permission or commission, so I hope there cool with this.

Daily 365 Series

Xpresso Task 5 Preview

This is an image I did with my homework for expresso lesson task. I completed all of the base functionality with one extra feature for now. I used the spline ware to make it bend in this image, which I think I might add as an extra feature in my final version.
I will add more in depth review of my process when I finish. Also for any one who might stumble across this and is also doing the task I won’t post any tempting spoilers for a possible solution. 🙂