Daily 365

G2B Logo/Title Idea

Something that has been long over do is having some sort of logo to title that I can identify with for my work. Above are few ideas of about 60 or so variation I worked with. In developing it I wasn’t sure what sort of image I would use for representation so I decided to go the type route.

The type is based on the killogram font that I modified. The 1st and 2nd row are essentially the same except the G is pulled in at angle slightly. The second column I adjusted the how the G and 2 come together.I think I’m leaning towards the ones on the left.

The two at the bottom are the long form version. The second one is the standard text minus the adjusted G. The third row I took out part of the edges for each letter to make it look like it’s cutting into it. I working on trying to make it look more as a whole piece. I thinking of having one version for the short and an 2nd for the long version.

Daily 365

Tuts+ Minion App Intro Final

This is the my final tuts+ minion app intro animation. I submitted it aetuts+ contest since I was inspired by their Despicable Me tutorial. I made it seem more like an app by adding a finger that clicks on of the minion and he starts dancing. Not sure how this would work in the real app though….

The animation for this final part went pretty smoothly. I was able to rig the second character fairly measly know what to do from rigging the first one. I also notice some flaws I missed before such as the teeth actually taking the color shift of the character and not staying white. Not a big issue but its noticeable on the red minion.

The other flaw I noticed is the shadow on vector minion is a little off. I have expression setup on the cg one to follow just the x but it didn’t apply correctly to the other so I just animated the shadow.

I really like how vimeo keeps the aspect ration of the video regardless of its size unlike YouTube. I’ve seen it done on other videos but not to this extreme on the vertical axis.

Now the only thing left is for figure out how to get this in the app and the rest of the app working. If only the app inventor would stop disconnecting after 5 mins.


Sound Effects from

BG music from


Daily 365

Tuts+ Minion App Intro Animation

This is the animation I started that I might submit to the tuts+ contest. Might because it clearly is unfinished and I don’t want to submit something partially done. Although sometimes it’s better to have something instead of nothing I don’t want to submit this yet.

We will see the dead line is tomorrow…today. Regardless of if I submit it or not I have had a fun time working on this. My major snags was deciding how I want to set up the character. I think I procrastinated for a but trying to think of the best way.

In the end the body, arms and feet are separate parts. I used the puppet tool in combination with the DuDuF IK script to make the arms and feet IK. using this script makes making IK chains so easy then it use to be using Dan ebberts ik expression where you had to adding the code in your self.

I added few puppet point on the body to add a little more movement which is probably unnoticed because if I push it too far the arms look out-of-place. I also have controls for the eye-ball, eye lids, and the mouth with few poses.

I have another minion that I made so that there are two different ones  but I haven’t rigged it up yet.

One flaw I notice is when the arms switch directions from bending up to bending down. I need to work on making it smoother.

Daily 365 Downloadable

Despicable Me Minion Tuts+ App Day 2

I worked more on my possible submission for the aetuts contest although i need to work out more of a clear idea for what I want to do. My submission for today is more work on the app I started yesterday.

I wanted to increase the functionality of the app so that it does look completely broken when the phone is flipped. I also wanted each minion to link to their respective sites.

I was able to figure out how to have different images for the screen orientations and link the minions to their sites. My issue came up when placing them. There doesn’t seem to be an easy way to layer object and place them. The I used the image sprite which seems to like to jump around and not stay still.

There doesn’t seem to be to many option for alignment so I might be asking the forums for some help if I can find some one with a similar issue in online resources. You can check out my source if you want below.


Daily 365 Downloadable

Despicable Me Minion Tuts+ App

I was looking on twitter and I saw a post from some one about the aetuts+ contest which some how escapsed my normal look through of my feeds. So this prompted me to think if I should make something real quick just to do something.

I decided to pick a psd tut to do for it. I picked the Despicable Me tut by Mirko Santangelo. My quick idea was to do something using this character to show of the tuts+ network based on the site that I use the most. I’m thinking of using the puppet but I may break it apart some how after I customize my minion.

So I made my despicable character base of the tut, which is nice but the tut was excellent so of course the result would be pretty good automatically. But I wanted to submit more than just a tut result so I finished setting up the app inventor for android which I started a few days ago.

I wound up design a mini interface for my fav tuts+ site with the minion characters. It’s pretty simple overall, I just took the logos from each side and made and put them on a background from the tuts+ sites.

The app doesn’t do too much, pretty my much the same as the hellopurr tut they have but mine will link to a tutsplus+ hub when you click the image and if you shake your phone you hear the minions laughing.

If anyone want to check it out I’ve included a zip file with the source and my apk file.



Daily 365

NYC Color Correction

NYC Time Lapse Color Correction/Grading

Today I went into NYC for aeny and in addition to learning some cool techniques and other industry news I won a color correction book  by alexisvanhurkman.

This is actually pretty good timing since I’m working on color correcting some footage of video for my father’s client they have recorded. I browse through it on the train ride home and wanted try out some of the things he talked about in the book about changing the mood through color.

So I look to through my stock(bad/dirty word(semi-inside AENY/Industry taboo) footage and found the NYC time-lapse footage I have from pond5.

Original Footage(minus text)

The original image you can see below is more red overall I shifted the color to more blue tones attempting to give it a more cool feeling. Looking at it now I think I should focus or maybe mask out the middle road and adjust that area separately to tone it down as well.

I used Color Finesse plugin in AE to do the coloring although I could have done it just in AE using curves. But then I wouldn’t get all of the scopes and I wouldn’t feel like a real (fake in my case) colorist.

I added the text in just because I wanted to have some animation in it. It’s kind of hard to read due to the angle. I wanted to bring it out more but if you push it to far then it looks even more obvious that it shouldn’t be there.

Daily 365

Avtocompany Logo 2D-3D WIP 2

This is my second attempt at animating the logo design above. This time I tried to use the tracer object as an alternative to spline warp. This allowed me to keep the front of the truck proportions correct minus the FFD effector I applied. The issue with this is the alignment of the tracer spline object in relation to the back of the truck.

I create a spline from the  back edge using the nifty edge to spline button under the structure menu under edit spline. This made a perfect copy of the back edge for the tracer but if you move the beizer curves on the last point of the spline it looks bad.

I havent figure out a way to fix this yet. I thought of constraint tag but it didn’t do anything. I’ll have to look for another way to align the back or another way of spline warp/follow.


Daily 365

Golfers Are Cool

Revisiting a logo animation for a logo I found on I started this a while ago and posted I believe one render and animation preview of it. This is my finished version that I have completed.

I re did the lightning using some of the techniques talked about by the gorilla in a Chicago mograph meet up.

Presentation – Lighting In Cinema 4D

A lot of the stuff he talked about is already in my work flow from his other talks or what I learned in school/ have figure out. One thing I don’t do all the time is factor in scale, I usually just go for what looks right. Sometimes I scale up, other time not. I choose to this time and I think the results look fairly good.

Animation wise I think it’s ok. I took me a bit to get the rolling of the ball to look decent. Which in the viewer always looks off. I think the hit with the cool and golfer could use some work but it’s ok for now. I forgot trophy 2000 so I did a quick hack and added it on at the end

Apparently I forgot to render to save file and cinema doesn’t like to output an alpha channel when you save from render viewer, so no cool background.

Daily 365

Avtocompany Logo 2D-3D

I found this cool logo on and thought it would be cool to try and convert it to 3d and animate it somehow. The logo is of a Passenger transport services, passenger carrier company in the Ukraine.

I took  a while to model the front body practicing some of the tips they gave last week on Cineversity.  The q key to toggle hyper nurbs is a very usefull thing, even though in the end I didn’t use it on this model.

I applied it on a spline warp effector. The front part by the wheels is squished due to the placement of the points I believe. Some thing that I need to fix, along with adding the little roads.

Daily 365 Daily Bests

Starwars Iconoscope Animation Part 3 Final

The final version of the Starwars Iconoscope Animation. Technically I’m late with this post…I feel asleep while waiting to render…but this will count for yesterday’s post. The animation part didn’t take that long but doing the sound took a little bit to do, but too much after I got the flow of using sound booth.

It worked fairly well and it definitely was a lot easier than doing audio in after effects, it does have some odd quirks though which I’m sure you could tweak in the settings. One that was annoying that I didn’t figure out yet is this green line one the side of the video. I’m guessing it’s for audio levels, but I didn’t see an quick obvious way to take it off. I wound up just cropping it out of the frame, which apparently didn’t work on youtube…

My goal with the sound was to have an effect for every “real” motion item that wasn’t associated with a human. So the targets, ships, X’s (on non-humans), and maybe some other items have sounds.

The Background audio transitions from different track that some what go with the movie. I suppose if you’re a true fan you may recognize the songs, although I can say that I would but the listing is below.

2. Main Title/Rebel Blockade Runner
7. The Trash Compactor
9. Ben Kenobi’s Death/Tie Fighter Attack
3. Imperial Attack
11. The Throne Room/End Title
I’m not 100% sure if 03 goes where I put it but it sounded ok.
I can tell some parts need to be worked on a bit more but I have to out put this. I may go back and tweak some audio since I wish I had some better sounds. Well see.