Daily 365 Daily Bests

Starwars Iconoscope Animation Part 3 Final

The final version of the Starwars Iconoscope Animation. Technically I’m late with this post…I feel asleep while waiting to render…but this will count for yesterday’s post. The animation part didn’t take that long but doing the sound took a little bit to do, but too much after I got the flow of using sound booth.

It worked fairly well and it definitely was a lot easier than doing audio in after effects, it does have some odd quirks though which I’m sure you could tweak in the settings. One that was annoying that I didn’t figure out yet is this green line one the side of the video. I’m guessing it’s for audio levels, but I didn’t see an quick obvious way to take it off. I wound up just cropping it out of the frame, which apparently didn’t work on youtube…

My goal with the sound was to have an effect for every “real” motion item that wasn’t associated with a human. So the targets, ships, X’s (on non-humans), and maybe some other items have sounds.

The Background audio transitions from different track that some what go with the movie. I suppose if you’re a true fan you may recognize the songs, although I can say that I would but the listing is below.

2. Main Title/Rebel Blockade Runner
7. The Trash Compactor
9. Ben Kenobi’s Death/Tie Fighter Attack
3. Imperial Attack
11. The Throne Room/End Title
I’m not 100% sure if 03 goes where I put it but it sounded ok.
I can tell some parts need to be worked on a bit more but I have to out put this. I may go back and tweak some audio since I wish I had some better sounds. Well see.

Daily 365 Daily Bests Series

Final Become a Minion Short and Extended

I’m finally bringing this project to a close. I took the chance and Rendered out both the long (2:37) & short (1:03) version. No comp crashing from over heating and BG Render let me know while I was out that it finished.

The short is hosted on my Vimeo while the long is on my Youtube.

I think the short version is better, even though you can’t read it I think it flows better.

Daily 365 Daily Bests

GrooveShark Logo Intro

This is animation I did with the grooveshark logo. I was not commissioned for this just thought to make it since I use it to listen to music a bunch. I wanted to produce something fairly quick and nice so decieded to not go the 3D route and stay in 2D world. Originally had it done with just without the stars and the wave effect on the text but it looked kind of plain. So it took a second to thinkg of what more I could add to it. I had already used the wave effect for the wave in the logo so I thought that might look good on the text while the fin passes by. The stars I just added since I looked in the background of the image an saw there where stars there so it made sense to try it out and see how it looked.

I sent it to grooveshark and they replied back saying it was awesome. Which I think is very cool.

Made in After Effects CS5

The styles and logo is from

Daily 365 Daily Bests Downloadable

Tractor Toy Expresso

This is my expresso right I made for a toy tractor. I made this to to give away a xpresso rig I made for my trek bot animation. I decided not to give away that setup and instead made an even more in depth espresso rig base of a model from turbosquid. I think I was having withdrawl from not having another expresso task from so I made my own expresso task… I wanted to create a child like atmosphere for this since it is a toy truck. Thats where the floor idea came from although I noticed after rendering some of the floor pieces didn’t align perfectly.

***DeviantArt Post Submission****

This is Toy Tractor Xpresso Rig for Cinema 4D. It is an as is release. You are free to do whatever you like to it. Please post a comment or fav what you do with it so I can so I can check it out. This setup is not un breakable but should work for most purposes and you can always just undo or import a new version.

Check out the video here—- [link]
Composited In After Effects

What can it do?

Front wheel turn. Truck rotation left and right based on the back or front. Truck rotation up and don based on the back or front. Automatic wheel rotation based on x axis movement or spline movement. Manual control as well. Spline control for movement and up and down movement for when on spline as well.

What can’t it do.

Walk the dog…and some rotations on spline mode will make it go all crazy.


Model from – [link]
Robert Ledger of [link] for awesome Expresso task and inspiration
Music – The Color of All Colors by Gurdonark [link]