General Inspiration

A New Year & Quadcopter’s

So the new year begins and I’m scrambling to make a my first post of the year. The reason for this is partly do to work, which is a good thing, and second because of my new-found interest quadcopters or multi-rotors in general. Their fun, easyish to fly, and have endless possibilities for uses. So far I have 4 micro sized ones (one had to be replaced pulling an Icarus move in the sky) and a DX6i Radio to control two of them. My main use in for them, other than to have fun flying them, is for very amateur aerial video.

The video above is one of my better videos so far using a key chain camera (720p) on top of my Red Eye One quad in light snow and some “mild” wind, hence the video being at a constant angle. I really shouldn’t be taking it out in hazardous weather but their so fun to fly out doors. Once I can get some steady video footage I’m going to have to figure out how I can integrate some cool motion graphics

The next thing I would like to do is build a quad, probably using a kit so I can be sure every thing will work right, and do some First Person View flying. I probably need some more stick(flying) time before I do any real FPV but it looks likes a lot of fun and there is any easy, but expensive setup for the Red eye one, so I’ll have to see. I also would like to make the next quad I get a bit bigger in size so well see. If I get to the custom building stage I have some cool ideas for ones I could build using a 3D printer to make the frame and other parts.

Some place I’ve been following are

Flyin’ Ryan RC – Who does great reviews on on planes and quads.

FliteTest – Who not only does reviews of planes, quad, heli’s but is also a full site dedicated to the R/C Hobby and getting people involved in the hobby. – a great site for all things R/C related.

So now I’m off to do some more flying.

3D Animation 3D Modeling Client Work Motion Graphics


A quick animation I did over a weekend for one part of a sports show. Done in C4D and After Effects.

3D Modeling Client Work Project Notes

3D Logo Design Service

As I’m always looking for more ways to do the type of work I like to do I try to keep up with new things that will enable to continue doing the type of work I like and get paid. Envato has many different services to do this and the recently release a new one microlancer.

microlancer service g2bI  recently completed my first project and second one soon after using this service. I have one service listed for 3D Logo Design.

I have used services like microlancer before though I have rarely received jobs though them, rather most of my jobs have been found working directly with people on various projects. I had a great experience using their service despite not complete sure how the actual system worked until I had a client. The two jobs I completed where from the same person who needed a logo converted from a 2D design to 3D. They client liked the result on both logo customization’s and I was able to complete the job on time.


So if you need a very quick no-nonsense 3D logo from a logo you already have check me out on microlancer. Or you can always contact me directly for any project you might have in mind.

Mograph Notes Motion Graphics Project Notes

Brown Jordan Notes

I’m always looking for more opportunities and different projects to work on. So when I was contacted by SME branding to asking if I would like to be a part of a project they where going to being I jumped at the opportunity. The Project began in mid august with a hard deadline in the middle of September.

My involvement other then discussions on the project as a whole was involved with the animation following the direction given from the storyboards done by the awesome designers. I worked over a week with the SME designers to create the vision they had for this animation. I used primarily After Effects CC with some C4D via cineware. Though cineware is still not as work flow steady as I would like it to be, so I did have to render out a few things in the end.

In addition to the animation I was responsible for the final audio mix of the project. They wanted to give the project a real environmental feel to it. Their team discussed the sounds that they wanted and I went about doing the final mix with their direction and feedback. SME had a composer create and original track for the piece that would express the feelings they where going for. I used Audition CC to do the final mix which worked well in my final workflow.

Brown Jordan Sitev2

Overall I had a great experience working on this project, with the team over at SME and I’m glad it turned out well for Brown Jordan. You can even check it out on their website.


3D Modeling Client Work

3D Logo Design 02



Another 3D logo I created for a client based of an existing logo design. More about this project soon.


3D Modeling Client Work

3D Logo Design 01


A 3D logo I created for a client based of an existing logo design. More about this project soon.


3D Animation Client Work Motion Graphics

Brown Jordan “the world’s finest furniture” Unveiled

An animation production I worked on with agency SME in NYC to help promote the re-branding of I was responsible for animation, and final audio mix. The storyboards, design, and direction was done by the awesome people at

 More info about my process in a later post.

Animation News General

Avatar Online Podcast Episode 67

This weekend I was a new guest host on an Avatar The Last Air Bender Podcast. You can hear and other avatar fans talk about a great episode of  Avatar.  Also check out a bunch of other great podcasts too.

Mograph Notes Motion Graphics

Mother of Faces Notes

Mother-of-Faces_parts_502x801Avatar the Last Airbender is on of my favorite animated shows, and although the series has been done for a number of years now, they have been producing comics about what happened after the series was over. I have personally been really enjoying these giving us fans a look at what happened to our favorite character as they get older and what helps shapes the world that we see in Legend of Korra.

In the latest comic The Search Part Two we are following most of the gAng with Zuko on his quest to find his mother and at the End of the Book we find a meet a new Spirit the Mother of Faces which I really like the design of.

Mother Of Faces

I wanted to do a simple cut out animation of the character and make a simple gif animation that I could quickly post online. It turned out not quick to do since I expanded my original idea of the project. I was simply going to break it up and place the parts in 3D space in C4d then bring them in to After Effects using the new Cineware plugin and animating them in AE. Creating an animation in only 2D space. But I wanted more control over the Spirit and cineware to work to slow for an efficient workflow.

I ended up doing a full rig for the Spirit in C4D and a more involved camera move that required me to recreate the whole background. I also added some music from audio jungle to add some atmosphere to the animation. I also learned the limits of gif sizes on various sites due my full gif being to large for most site to be posted on so I edited it and made a shorter gif in addition to the long one. Check them out and tell me what you think.

3D Animation Motion Graphics

Mother of Faces Animated Gif

Mother Of Faces